Wednesday 7 September 2011

6 Key Tips on How to Write Effective Blogs

Any serious blogger knows there are a few expert tips to creating a successful blog. Here are a few used by the best and successful bloggers in the business. 

1.      Search Engine Optimized
A good blog needs to pass the crucial SEO test before the reader even gets to access it.

2.      Simple
The blog article should be interesting, refreshing, catchy and informative.

3.      Keyword Use
 Many blogging beginners fail to pay attention to the use of keywords in their blogs.
A blog may have very useful information but if the reader cannot find it because it is out of the search engine’s reach then it truly has failed in its purpose. Keywords promote a blog.

4.      Clear and Precise
Make sure that the blog articles are precise and simple to understand for the reader. They should also address the specific needs of the users of this information.

5.      Short
Blogs of about 200 words are long enough, most readers are looking to spend just a minute or two to read a blog article before because they would like to sample other sources to get more information. So keep it simple.

6.      Specific Topic
Blog posts should be particular to the topic of interest to the blogger. If the post is about blog writing, keep it specifically to that, if the blog is about writers, journalism, entertainment or even medicine, stay within the bounds of the blogs theme. This will ensure repeat visits by the readers as they get the feeling the blog is a resource in their areas of expertise.
More Sources:
Darren Rowse’s Ten Tips for Writing a Blog Post

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